What Happen When You Cook Chicken With Sprite

        Who doesn't know Sprite. It is a colorless, lemon and lime flavored soft drink produced by Coca Cola company. A sweet refreshing drink best when it's cold with ice. Very common and easy to buy and find. Best partner with favorite snacks, meal, or as a thirst quencher.

           Chicken is a white meat usually cook through deep frying. Fried chicken is a very common dish and have different version. Fast food chains strong competition in serving fried chicken give the consumer a wide range of choices. Filipinos chicken recipe includes adobo,tinola,afritada, chickenn curry and litson manok.

        A lot of Filipino tried the trending dish chicken in sprite. Having its own twist and ingredients but the main ingredients of course is chicken and sprite. I tried it two times and it's surprisingly delicious. The lemongrass inside the chicken adds an aroma and made the chicken more tasty.

How to cook chicken in sprite 


1 whole chicken 


1 whole onion sliced 

8 cloves garlic 

2 cups sprite 

1/2 cup oyster sauce 

3 tablespoon soy sauce 




* Put lemongrass,onion,garlic and leaks inside the chicken.

*Pour sprite, soy sauce and oyster sauce in a cooking casserole. Add pepper.

*Boil it until the meat become tender.

*When the meat is tender put it inside the oven and roast for 20 minutes if you want a roasted flavor. But you can eat it already after it was boiled if you don't want to roast it.

Chicken inside the casserole ready to boil.

Cooked and tender

Boiled from sprite and oyster sauce.


Another chicken recipe
Fried Chicken ala Max's with tanglad 


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