Oil Free Vegetable Soup


     Vegetable added to everyday diet is important because it has lots of healthy benefits to our body. It has essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It is loaded with fiber good for digestion to maintain a good bowel movement regularly. Its vitamins content may help fight sickness, healthy and glowing skin and add energy level.

     This vegetable recipe is oil free hence it is cooked with boiling water only. Quick and easy to prepare perfect for those  who don't usually cook or no knowledge in cooking. The soup is nutritious, every sip is full of healthy benefits. Squash, okra (lady finger) and saluyot leaves  will make you full to make your meal complete without craving for extra carbohydrates.


 1 cup slice squash 

1 cup slice okra (lady finger)

2 cups saluyot leaves  (Nalta jute)

garlic and onion 

tinapa (smoked fish) shredded 

bagoong ( salted fish) optional 

seasoning or salt 

You can add string beans, eggplant or malunggay leaves.


*Boil 3-4 cup water if you want more just add more vegetables and add more water.

*Add onion, garlic, squash, and okra.

*If okra and squash is already half cooked add tinapa and bagoong.

*Boil for 3 minutes then add seasoning or salt.


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