Cheese Sticks

 3 ways cheese stick recipe

        Cheese sticks is a delicious snacks made       of blocks of
cheese or powdered cheese. It is available in supermarket or we can do it at home. So good to eat while enjoying our leisure time with the family during bonding moments. It can also serve during occasions or when having visitor at home.

         Those availabe in the market is usually powdered cheese or just a flavoring so it is better to cook our own at home to enjoy the real goodness of cheese. I just want to share my two ways in making cheese sticks but with the same ingredients just added some sugar, salt and evaporated milk for the second way of cooking.


Cheese (mozzarella or regular cheese)
all purpose flour
Bread crumbs
Oil for frying

*Slice cheese into sticks according to your prefered size or thickness.

* Coat cheese with flour.

*Deep into egg.

*Coat with bread crumbs.

*Fry until it evenly cooked.


*Combine 1 cup all purpose flour,1 medium egg, 1/4 cup evaporated milk, 1 tablespoon sugar,and a pinch of salt.

* Mix well until it turned into batter.

*Dip cheese slice into the batter and coat.

* Coat with bread crumbs.

*Fry until it turn golden brown.

Cheese stick in lumpia wrapper

*Cut cheese in sticks.

*Wrap in lumpia wrapper.

*Fry until golden brown.

*Serve with mix mayonaise and ketchup.


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