Pork leg soup



Pork leg soup is a delicious soup made of pork leg boiled until it become tender. The longer time it boil, the soup is more tastier. Vegetables like cabbage,pechay,potato,beans and green chili is added to the boiled meat. There are two kinds of soup Filipinos do with pork leg. Sinigang is a sour version. Kangkong,eggplant,gabi,and beans are usually the vegetables added to this. Sampalok or tamarind is added to make the soup sour but there are instant sinigang mix sold in the market for a convenient way of cooking.

My favorite version is the plain one called "Nilaga" . I like adding sweet corn to it because it add a little sweet taste to the soup.

Pork leg soup (Nilagang pata)


1/2 kilogram chop pork leg 

1 piece sweet corn 

1 whole cabbage 

3 pieces green chili 

Fish sauce 

1 Knorr pork cube 

black pepper 

2 pieces onion 

3 pieces ripe tomato 

Salt or seasoning

* Put pork leg in a cooking pot add slice tomato and onion.

* Allow to boil the excess water of the meat.

* Mix  and add a little amount of salt or seasoning just to add flavor to the meat while reducing the water.

* When the meat turn a little bit brown and the excess water is gone, add about 1 liter of clean water this serve as the soup so you can add more water if you want more soup.

* Boil and add sweet corn until the meat is tender.

* Add cabbage,green chili,knorr pork cube,black pepper and fish sauce according to your desired saltiness of the soup.

* Boil for few minutes, and it's done.

   Nilagang pata ng baboy

   Sinigang na pata ng baboy


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