Homemade Pizza


 Pizza made of slice bread

     Bread is one of the staple foods. We can eat during breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks or anytime to feed our hungry stomach. Frequent eating of bread makes us feel boring and it taste bland specially eating it plain. Though eating it with our favorite filling makes it flavorful it is good to try some ways to level up boring slice bread. Eating it with hotdogs, ham, egg is the usual way to partner with our bread. 

     I just want to share my recipe. Many people did it already but I just want to share my way of preparing it. I flattened the bread using glass because I don’t have rolling pin at home.  It came up an idea of doing it as homemade pizza. I have left over luncheon meat and sausage. I have slice pineapple and cheese too so the idea is perfect. I just used the ingredients available in our kitchen. 





Slice bread 

Sausage, hotdogs, or luncheon meat 

Slice pineapple 

Slice onion 

Grated cheese 




*Flattened the bread 

*Brush it with catsup evenly. 

*Put all the toppings. 

*Sprinkle with grated cheese 

*Toast in oven toaster until the cheese melts. You can use pan if you don't have an oven toaster. Just put the bread inside the pre heated pan until the cheese melt. 

 * Cut the bread into triangle shape to make it looks like a real pizza.


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