Reasons You Should Fall In Love With Crispy Pata


      Crispy Pata is one of special Filipino dish usually serve during special celebrations  like birthday, Christmas and New Year.Pata is a Filipino term means leg. It is pork leg deep fried in a boiling oil until it turned golden brown and achieved the desired crispiness. Cooking Crispy Pata is never been easy it takes a lot of effort and patience specially the frying process. The splash of hot oil is the number one struggle  cooking it. It's like you're in a battle with your enemy while cooking. Plus facing high temperature in the kitchen is an addition to the suffering or difficulty.

      Crispy Pata is so good paired with hot rice dip in with your preffered sauce like vinegar with mince onion and a little bit salt, soy sauce with kalamansi or liver sauce. Mang Tomas a Filipino brand made by Nutri Asia is an instant dipping sauce perfect for crispy pata too. Liquor drinker in the Philippines used crispy pata as their pulutan. Pulutan a Filipino word  means a food eaten with alcoholic drink during gatherings in the Philippines.

How to cook crispy pata

* In a large pan, put onion, garlic, salt, pepper or seasoning.

* Add water enough to cover the whole pata  (pork leg)

*Boil until meat become tender or cook.

*Remove from water and put in the freezer for how many hours.

*Pat dry using paper towel to remove excess water.

* In a large frying pan, heat oil and deep fry pata. Sprinkle a little bit water, it adds extra crispiness.

* Cook it evenly, reverse it side by side.

*When it turn golden brown it is cooked and ready to serve.


1 whole pata ( pork leg)







seasoning (optional) 

      What crispy pata taste like?  If you love fried chicken I am sure you will love this one too. The  saltiness and pork crispy skin is the best. The crunch that cracks in your mouth brought an exciting sound adds extra appetite. The meat is juicy and tender and more delicious with its dipping sauce. But remember crispy pata is high in cholesterol which you don't love to hear. Eat moderately and don't it eat everyday. 



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