3 ways to level up your boring bread


     Feel boring of your ordinary bread? Well bread fillingsandwichtoast or eating it plainsometimes became a boring way of eating bread. It's an ordinary day! Eating your breakfast with coffee and breadsnacks with cold juice and a slice of bread. You can try this kind of recipe to level up your simple slice bread.

Hotdog Roll 


 5 medium size hotdog

5 slice bread 

1 piece large egg

bread crumbs

Oil for frying

*Flatten the bread using rolling pin or glass.

* Fill flatten bread with hotdog.

*Roll and dip into the egg and bread crumbs.

*Fry until it turn  golden brown



4 pieces slice bread

tiny slice of hotdog or ham

slice onion

bell pepper

tomato catsup

grated cheese


* flatten the bread

*put tomato catsup and spread evenly.

*top with slice hotdog or ham,onion,bell pepper, and cheese

*Put in oven toaster or microwave for 5 - 8 minutes. You can use frying pan if you don't have oven.

Tuna Pie

You can refer to this recipe and procedure.


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