First time cooking pork dumplings failed or success?

What is dumplings? Dumpling is a small savory ball of dough (usually made with suet) which may be boiled, fried, or baked in a casserole. It is filled with meat like pork,chicken or beef. Seafood like shrimp or fish can be use too. It depends to your preference or what filling you want to use. We can easily buy it at any food kiosk, groceries,restaurant or even online store. But because I loved DIY and homemade I tried doing it my own way. I just watched videos in youtube and bought a budget friendly ingredients. I am not an expert in cooking I just want to share my budget recipe and my own way of cooking. 200 grams pre cooked ground pork 1/2 cup diced carrots 2 tbsp onion 2 tbsp garlic 1 tbsp spring onion 1 tbsp sesame oil 1tbsp soy sauce 1piece medium egg 250 grams dumpling wrapper Procedure: 1. Combine all the ingredients except the wrapper. 2.Fill wrapper with the mixed ingredients. 3. Seal the edges of the dumpling wrapper. 4. Steam until full...